PLG’s International Trade Practice supports clients with respect to economic sanctions, export controls, FCPA/anti-corruption matters, anti-money laundering/anti-terrorist financing concerns, and CFIUS/national security filings. We also provide advice and representation in connection with laws governing imports.  In complex trade litigation -- antidumping, countervailing duty, Section 301, and other remedial measures -- we have represented both domestic and foreign producers. We regularly advise companies on compliance strategies so as to reduce their exposure to enforcement risk while staying focused on their business objectives. Our experience includes:

  • Conducting international risk assessments and compliance audits
  • Developing comprehensive risk-based compliance programs consisting of policies, procedures, and other internal controls
  • Providing enterprise-wide compliance training
  • Performing due diligence on third party business partners such as sales representatives, distributors, joint venture partners, and suppliers
  • Counseling on international trade and corruption risk in the context of foreign government/military procurement
  • Negotiating cross-border sales, supply, reseller, licensing, and other commercial agreements to mitigate international trade concerns
  • Assessing M&A and investment deals and drafting risk-based representations, warranties, and covenants
  • Performing supply chain due diligence
  • Determining whether foreign investment deals trigger filing obligations with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) or the Outbound Investment Security Program
  • Leveraging local counsel contacts to obtain advice on foreign international trade and anti-corruption laws
  • Conducting cross-border internal investigations
  • Advising on voluntary disclosures to regulatory and enforcement authorities
  • Representing clients subject to government investigations or other enforcement proceedings
  • Assessing importers' eligibility for reduced tariff liability, including analysis of product classification, country-of-origin rules, valuation, and exclusion from the scope of remedial tariff measures
  • Developing compliance procedures and training tailored to the importer's specific operations
  • Providing advice to importers on product marking requirements (country of origin )
  • Challenging customs rulings in administrative protests and litigation in the U.S. Court of International Trade
  • In unfair trade litigation (antidumping, countervailing duty, and other measures),  representing businesses at all stages of agency and judicial proceedings

Our attorneys have represented corporations across a broad spectrum of industries, including aerospace and defense, oil and gas, energy, technology, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and industrial manufacturing. Our clients range from small and medium sized businesses to Fortune 100 companies.

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