Welcome to the Tech & Telecom Weekly, an e-newsletter keeping you apprised of the latest developments in the telecommunications and high-tech industries.
FCC Policy
The FCC will hold a one-hour “Listening Session” on October 27, 2021, at 2:00pm ET, “to inform participants about the Commission’s efforts to increase Tribal libraries’ participation in the E-Rate Program.” The session will focus on the recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that seeks comment on adding Tribal libraries to the entities eligible for E-Rate support. To register, send contact information to OctoberSessionLibraries@fcc.gov. Comments on the NPRM are due November 15, 2021, and Reply Comments are due November 29, 2021. For more information, please contact Stephanie Joyce.
FTC Items
The FTC has released the Tentative Agenda for its next Open Meeting scheduled for October 21, 2021, at 1:00pm ET. It contains one item: a presentation from Staff on the privacy practices of “six major Internet servicer providers.” Members of the public may sign up to speak to the Commission for up to two minutes during the meeting. For more information, please contact Stephanie Joyce.
Legislative Affairs
The Senate Intellectual Property Subcommittee will hold a hearing tomorrow, October 19, 2021, at 2:30pm ET titled “Pride in Patent Ownership: The Value of Knowing Who Owns a Patent.” Scheduled witnesses include Allon Stabinsky, Chief Deputy General Counsel of Intel, and Abigail Rives, IP Counsel for Engine. The hearing will be live-streamed. For more information, please contact Stephanie Joyce.
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