Potomac Law partner Roberta Anderson Sutton is quoted in the Law 360 article, "Cyber Carriers Divided on Response to Online Privacy Risk."  

The article provides an overview of the developments in the cyber insurance industry during the past six months and how cyber insurance carriers are responding to the recent surge in privacy litigation, including as it relates to online tracking tools that collect customer data.

As the cyber insurance industry is working through these issues, Anderson Sutton notes that “policyholders should be weighing their risks now, given the rise in litigation and regulatory attention.” 

"Now, before a claim comes in, is the time to take a good hard look at your cyber insurance. Look at the insuring provisions and the key definitions to make sure that your actual risk landscape is sufficiently covered,” Anderson Sutton said.  

Anderson Sutton represents policyholders. 

Read the Law360 article. (Subscription may be required.)  

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