PLG is pleased to announce it has been recognized as an Inclusive Workplace by Best Companies Group, in collaboration with COLOR Magazine. Marking the second consecutive year, PLG was honored to be recognized in Best Companies Group’s inaugural list in 2024. The list honors businesses that have demonstrated exemplary commitment to fostering inclusivity and a sense of belonging in their work environments.

The program, initiated in late 2023, assesses participating companies through comprehensive surveys and data analysis. Areas of evaluation include inclusion, belonging, psychological safety, community, and purpose. "This program highlights the real strides companies are making in cultivating inclusive cultures that help all employees feel valued and engaged," said Jaime Raul Zepeda, Executive Vice President of Best Companies Group.

Recipients of this recognition have shown significant commitment to ensuring all their employees feel included, heard, and valued. Their commitment to inclusive work environments has had meaningful impacts on employee engagement, retention rates, and brand recognition. The companies recognized this year serve as beacons of inclusive culture within their respective industries, demonstrating the immense benefits of prioritizing belonging and inclusivity in the workplace, according to Best Companies' press release.

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Holland Goodrow

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